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why are all signals providers so bad? : r/Forex - Reddit

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The world of Forex trading is as volatile as it is complex, with traders constantly seeking tools and resources to gain an edge in the market. Forex signals providers are often turned to as a beacon of hope for actionable trading insights. However, a recurring sentiment among the trading community, especially on platforms like Reddit’s r/Forex, suggests a widespread dissatisfaction with these services. This article delves into why many traders perceive Forex signals providers as inadequate, using real user experiences and data-driven insights.

Understanding Forex Signals Providers

Forex signals are trade suggestions sent to traders that specify entry and exit points, helping them make timely decisions without the need to conduct their own market analysis. Ideally, these signals are generated using sophisticated algorithms or by experienced traders. Despite their potential, the reputation of signals providers is often marred by issues of trustworthiness and performance.

Community Feedback from r/Forex

The r/Forex community on Reddit is a vibrant forum where traders of all levels share experiences, strategies, and opinions about the trading landscape. A common thread in discussions about signals providers is the frustration with their reliability. Many users report that signals often result in losses rather than profits, suggesting a gap between advertised performance and actual outcomes.

Factors Contributing to Negative Perceptions

  1. Misaligned Incentives: Some signals providers are more focused on subscription fees rather than the accuracy of their signals. They might generate revenue regardless of whether their signals are profitable for users, which can lead to a misalignment between provider and subscriber interests.

  2. Lack of Transparency: There is often a lack of clear, verifiable track records for the performance of these signals. Without transparency, it’s challenging for traders to verify claims and assess the credibility of the provider.

  3. Market Volatility: Forex markets are highly volatile. Signals that might work under certain market conditions can quickly become obsolete when those conditions change. Providers may not be agile enough to adapt their strategies in real-time, leading to poor performance.

  4. Overreliance on Technical Analysis: Some providers rely heavily on technical analysis tools that are accessible to most traders, without adding substantial value through unique insights or advanced analytics. This can result in generic signals that do not perform well in real trading scenarios.

  5. Echo Chambers: In community platforms like Reddit, negative experiences can resonate more loudly than positive ones, creating an echo chamber that amplifies dissatisfaction.

Analyzing the Validity of Criticisms

While the grievances from r/Forex users are notable, they may not universally represent the effectiveness of all Forex signals providers. Industry statistics suggest that the success rate of signals can vary widely, with top providers maintaining accuracy closer to 60-70%. However, the visibility of these providers is often obscured by the multitude of lower-quality services flooding the market.

Strategies for Choosing Reliable Signals Providers

  1. Research and Reviews: Traders should seek out independent reviews and testimonials from other users, particularly those with documented and verifiable trading results.

  2. Free Trials and Demo Accounts: Utilizing free trials or demo accounts to test the accuracy of signals on a real-time basis can help assess their reliability without risking actual capital.

  3. Provider Transparency: Opt for providers who disclose their trading history and strategies and are regulated by credible financial authorities.

  4. Alignment with Trading Style: The provider’s strategy should align with the user’s trading style and risk tolerance. A mismatch here can lead to unsatisfactory results regardless of the overall quality of the signals.


The skepticism surrounding Forex signals providers, as discussed on platforms like Reddit’s r/Forex, stems from legitimate concerns over reliability, transparency, and performance. While not all providers are deficient, the prevalence of subpar services has tainted the industry's reputation. Traders must approach these tools with caution, armed with research and a clear understanding of their own trading needs and expectations. When chosen wisely, good Forex signals providers can indeed be a valuable part of a trader’s arsenal, contributing to informed and potentially profitable trading decisions.