大多数交易系统使用指标来确定交易信号。 Metatrader 包括 20 多种常用指标,包括移动平均线、MACD、RSI 和随机指标。 MQL 内置了股票指标函数。 您还可以在您的智能交易系统中使用自定义指标。 在这篇 MQL4 趋势指标 EA 文章中了解如何对 Expert Advisor 进行编程以使用最流行的趋势指标进行交易。
移动平均线是最著名的趋势指标。 它显示价格在指标期间是上涨还是下跌。 我们已经了解了如何构造移动平均线交叉的条件。 让我们检查策略进入和退出的其他趋势指标的条件。
如果您转到您的 MT4 控制台并单击插入/指标/趋势,您将获得以下指标列表:
抛物线 SAR
Params | Average Directional Index |
Intent | //买入:+DI线高于-DI线,ADX大于一定值 并增长(即趋势加强) //卖出:-D线高于+DI线,ADX大于一定值 并增长(即趋势加强) |
Extern | extern int adx=0; //Indicator period extern int adu=14; //Period of averaging for index calculation extern double minadx=20; //Minimal threshold value of ADX |
Indicator Calling | PosDLine =iADX(NULL,adx,adu,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_PLUSDI,0); NegDLine =iADX(NULL,adx,adu,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MINUSDI,0); ADXCurrent =iADX(NULL,adx,adu,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,0); ADXPrevious =iADX(NULL,adx,adu,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,1); |
BuyCond | if (PosDLine > NegDLine && ADXCurrent >= minadx && ADXCurrent > ADXPrevious) |
SellCond | if (NegDLine > PosDLine && ADXCurrent >= minadx && ADXCurrent > ADXPrevious) |
Params | Bollinger Band |
Intent | //Buy: price crossed lower line upwards (returned to it from below) //Sell: price crossed upper line downwards (returned to it from above) |
Extern | extern int bandp=0; //Indicator period extern int bandpx=20; //Period of averaging for indicator calculation extern int banddev=2; //Deviation from the main line |
Indicator Calling | BBLowCurrent=iBands(NULL,bandp, bandpx, banddev,0,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_LOWER,0); BBLowPrevious=iBands(NULL,bandp, bandpx, banddev,0,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_LOWER,1); BBUpCurrent=iBands(NULL,bandp, bandpx, banddev,0,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_UPPER,0); BBUpPrevious=iBands(NULL,bandp, bandpx, banddev,0,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_UPPER,1); BBCurrentClose = iClose (NULL, 0,0); BBPreviousClose = iClose (NULL, 0,1); |
BuyCond | if (BBLowPrevious<BBPreviousClose && BBLowCurrent>=BBCurrentClose) |
SellCond | if (BBUpPrevious>BBPreviousClose && BBUpCurrent<=BBCurrentClose) |
Commodity Chanel Index | |
Intent | //Buy: 1. indicator crosses +100 from below upwards. 2. Crossing -100 from below upwards. 3. //Sell: 1. indicator crosses -100 from above downwards. 2. Crossing +100 downwards. 3. |
Extern | extern int CCp=0; //Indicator period extern int CCpx=14; //Period of averaging for indicator calculation extern int CCLine = 100; |
Indicator Calling | CCCurrent = iCCI(NULL,CCp,CCpx,PRICE_TYPICAL,0); CCPrevious = iCCI(NULL,CCp,CCpx,PRICE_TYPICAL,1); CCCrossLinePos = CCLine; CCCrossLineNeg =-CCLine; |
BuyCond | if ((CCPrevious<CCCrossLinePos && CCCurrent >= CCCrossLinePos) || (CCPrevious <=CCCrossLineNeg&& CCCurrent>=CCCrossLineNeg) ) |
SellCond | if ((CCPrevious>CCCrossLinePos && CCCurrent <= CCCrossLinePos)|| (CCPrevious >=CCCrossLineNeg&& CCCurrent<=CCCrossLineNeg) ) |
Parabolic Sar | |
Note | //Buy: Parabolic SAR crosses price downwards //Sell: Parabolic SAR crosses price upwards |
Extern | extern int sar=0; //Indicator period extern double sarstep=0.02; //Stop level increment extern double sarstop=0.2; //Maximal stop level extern int sar2=0; //Price period |
Indicator Calling | sarcurrent = iSAR(NULL,sar,sarstep,sarstop,0); sarprevious = iSAR(NULL,sar,sarstep,sarstop,1); closecurrent = iClose(NULL,0,0); closeprevious = iClose(NULL,0,1); |
BuyCond | if (sarprevious>closeprevious&&sarcurrent<=closecurrent) |
SellCond | if (sarprevious<closeprevious&&sarcurrent>=closecurrent) |
MA Rising or Falling | |
Intent | //Buy: MA grows //Sell: MA falls |
Extern | extern int maperiod=14; //Period of averaging for indicator calculation extern int mamode = 1; // Type of moving average, 1= Exponential |
Indicator Calling | macurrent = iMA(NULL,0,maperiod,0,mamode,0); maprevious = iMA(NULL,0,maperiod,0,mamode,1); maprevious2 =iMA(NULL,0,maperiod,0,mamode,2); |
BuyCond | if(maprevious2 > maprevious && maprevious > macurrent) |
SellCond | if (maprevious2 < maprevious && maprevious < macurrent) |